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Withers, M. and Kagan, S. 2024. ‘Free Agency is a Right, Not an Option’. Devpolicy Blog. Link

Withers, M. 2024. 'The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme is helping some workers but harming others - it needs to be reformed'. The Interpreter. Link


Withers, M. 2024. 'Depletion through Transnational Social Reproduction: Guestworker Migration and Uneven Development in the South Pacific'. Work in the Global Economy. Link


Petrou, K. and Connell, J. 2023. Pacific Guestworkers in Australia: The New Blackbirds?. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. Link

Petrou, K. and Withers, M. 2023. ‘“Sometimes, Men Cannot Do What Women Can”: Pacific Labour Mobility, Gender Norms and Social Reproduction’. Global Networks. Link

Withers, M and Hill, E. 2023. ‘Migration and Development, without Care? Locating Transnational Care Practices in the Migration‐development Debate’. Population, Space and Place 29 (3). Link

Petrou, K. and Connell, J. 2023. Our ‘Pacific Family’. Heroes, guests, workers or a precariat? Australian Geographer, 54(2), 125-35. Link

Stead, V. and Petrou, K. 2023. Beyond the 'Triple Win': Pacific Islander farmworkers' use of social media to navigate labour mobility costs and possibilities through the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(9), 2194-2212. Link


Withers, M. 2023. 'Gains, pains, and dubious claims from the Pacific Labour Mobility Survey'. The Interpreter. Link

Withers, M. 2022. ‘Rapid Analysis of Family Separation Issues and Responses in the PALM Scheme – Final Report’. Australian Government. Link

Withers, M. 2022. ‘Pacific Migrant Workers and the Social Costs of Family Separation’. Devpolicy Blog. Link

Withers, M. 2022. ‘The Costs of Caring: Gender Inequalities in the Pacific Labour Scheme’. In Disruptive Asia: Women and Girls Special Edition, 14–18. Melbourne: Asia Society Australia. Link

Stead, V. and Petrou, K. 2022. Putting the crisis to work. In Stead, V. and Hinkson, M. (Eds) Disruption: Refiguring the Food System for a World on the Edge (pp.39-53). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. Link

Petrou, K., Dun, O., Farbotko, C. and Kitara, T. 2021. Pacific Labour Mobility on pause: the consequences of temporary immobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Campbell, Y. and Connell, J. (Eds). COVID-19 and Islands: The Caribbean and the Pacific (pp.299-319). New York: Palgrave. Link

Petrou, K. & Connell, J. 2019.  Overcoming precarity? Social media, agency and ni-Vanuatu seasonal workers in Australia. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 84, 116-146. Link

Hill, E., Withers, M. and Jayasuriya, R. 2018. The Pacific Labour Scheme and Transnational Family Life: Policy Brief. Markets, Migration and the Work of Care. Link

Petrou, K. & Connell, J.
2018. “We don’t feel free at all”: temporary ni-Vanuatu workers in the Riverina, Australia. Rural Society, 27(1), 66-79. Link

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